Silvano Grivetto: The long steel Road

Getting to know a man, even before an entrepreneur and his personal history is perhaps the best way to show the young generations the meaning of tenacity and spirit of sacrifice.

In the case of Silvano Grivetto, founder and CEO of I.S.A.C., we tell of a path that has many features in common with the metal treated by the company: the steel.

An element that has always been present in his life as he tells excitedly in remembering his father, a skilled worker, for years engaged in hot forging.

In 1974 the young Silvano decided, together with 3 other partners, to take the same path, but creating something by himself: I.S.A.C. precisely.

For many years, what had been a project fueled only by youthful enthusiasm and little experience, has grown, achieving an excellent result: having an Italian giant like FIAT, the automotive brand, among the client companies.

But behind every great success there are difficult paths, made of motivation, character and great self-denial and not everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for a common project, so soon the entrepreneur finds himself pulling the strings of the company alone.

“It was not easy to face so many changes and at the same time have the courage and intuition to invest and believe in technological innovation,” he says.

Thus this creature, I.S.A.C., found itself facing great challenges and sector crises that deeply affected other companies in Italy, but like all self-respecting steel souls, strong resistance and flexibility have led to evolve and understand the value of innovation.

Silvano’s undertaking, arduous and not at all obvious, was to convey to his team the need to adapt, improve and continuously train in order to be competitive and broaden horizons.

It is in a good dose of courage and humility that he finds the right solution. He discovers in these values ​​the common trait with his employees and perhaps the key to true success.

The I.S.A.C. in fact it is made up of passionate workers, who grew up learning an ancient and tiring trade but which in the space of a few years have found valid support in machines.

Thus the management of work has also changed, passing from the activity of the individual to the harmonious interaction with other specialized colleagues and robotic production lines.

It is not always easy to have a vision and carry out a project consistently, at the same time never taking new challenges for granted and all that an epochal change entails.

The real strength, as we know, lies in teamwork and there was still a missing piece in the founder’s plan.

It is at the beginning of 2000 that this is completed when the company team grows with the arrival of the sons Giorgio and Ombretta and renews what Silvano had chosen years earlier: to continue the same path together.

For many companies it is a very delicate transition phase where the generation gap and divergent visions often lead to conflicts that inevitably turn into disorientation and loss of business objectives.

But this is not the case with I.S.A.C., where among all there is a great union of intentions; in fact, the Grivetto family can certainly boast of having made the family bond a real strength.

Thanks to the arrival of two such capable and competent figures. I.S.A.C. has taken off by opening up to other sectors and expanding its horizons beyond national borders.

Every entrepreneurial story always starts from two dreams: the first can be summarized in one word as “building” something that is able to leave a mark and improve the lives of those around us; the second dream is linked to the hope of “sharing” what has been built with those we love most.

We strongly believe that Silvano Grivetto’s story is a clear testimony of how much both dreams have become reality.

Enjoying the great results achieved so far by continuing to plan the future of the company with his children is part of the most beautiful dream, still to be lived.